Training Policies

I am certified as a UKCC Level 3 Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach and Judge by British Gymnastics. I am also certified with Safeguarding And Protecting Children.

Parents/Guardians Obligations

  1. The Parents warrant that the information provided on the Registration Form is accurate and up to date. It is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibility to ensure that they inform me in writing of any change in medical conditions or contact details.

  2. Parents/Guardians agree to accept sole responsibility for their child immediately before and after the end of the class. It is the Parent/Guardian responsibility to ensure their child’s safety while in the changing rooms, toilets, reception and waiting areas as well as the safe entry of their child to the training arena/dance studio and vice versa.

  3. Parents/Guardians are responsible for bringing their child on time for the class. Warm up is an essential part of the training and the child’s potential absence from the first part of the lesson could result in injuries. 

  4. Parents/Guardians take full responsibility for their children’s personal belongings such as clothes, shoes and bags.

  5. Training is done for non-competitive improvement - certifications and awards will not be given.


  1. Gymnasts have to follow carefully all coach instruction and behave in an appropriate manner before, during and after the sessions. They are not allowed to leave the premises during training, for safety and security reasons.

  2. All gymnasts have to respect the coach and fellow gymnasts.

  3. Rudeness, insults, racist behavior, physical or mental abuse are prohibited and may result in a training ban.

  4. Gymnasts are strongly advise not to train at home without the supervision of a qualified coach.

The Coach

  1. The coach must ensure that safe environment is provided at all times.

  2. The coach must be immediately accessible and never leave the premises while a session is in progress.

  3. The coach is allowed to use British Gymnastics supporting/spotting techniques when helping the gymnast understand the correct position, shape or movement.

  4. The coach retains the rights to sit a gymnast out of class if she does not follow the club rules and safety regulations.

Hair, Clothing and Equipment

  1. All hair must be tied up neatly.

  2. All jewelry must be removed prior to class (for more information please check the British Gymnastics Body Piercing and Adornments Policy)

  3. All gymnasts have to wear clean clothing that allows freedom of movement while at the same time not being too open, loose or floppy for safety and performance reasons.

Membership, Payments, Classes and Attendance

  1. I will not refund or credit any fees if you miss a class or choose to stop attending classes before the end of the membership term. Full refund is available only to new members, who wish to cancel their membership immediately after their first class.

  2. In the event that a class needs to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, I will provide a replacement class. In such a situation, no alternative financial refund is available.

  3. Monthly fee must be paid on 1st of each month. All payments can be made by PayPal, direct debit or bank transfer. Students will not be accepted for training until the full payment has been received.

  4. Monthly Fees are reviewable every January and July. Parents will be advised with 30-days’ notice if any changes are scheduled to take place.